For the most up-to-date information, please visit our Facebook page
You do not need a Facebook account to view.
There you will find live and recorded
devotionals and worship services, as well as
daily Bible Verse posts and event announcements.
You do not need a Facebook account to view.
There you will find live and recorded
devotionals and worship services, as well as
daily Bible Verse posts and event announcements.
Peter Nordby, Pastor Michelle Kunkle, Deacon
Our mission statement
"The mission of Good Shepherd Lutheran Church, baptized disciples of Jesus Christ and led by the Holy Spirit, is to worship, serve, and share God's love and his promise of eternal life through community and global outreach encouraging others to believe in Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior."

Sundays 9:00AM
Each week we have special music provided by wonderful musicians and vocalists in our congregation!
Christian Education
Sunday School
Following worship at 10:15 AM. Adult forum in the adult fellowship room, 1st floor. Children and Youth in the fellowship hall led by Deacon or Pastor. You do not have to be a member to attend Sunday School (and there's pretty much always food :D ) We will nourish you physically and spiritually when you come!
Adult Bible Study on Zoom!
We meet Monday nights at 7pm via Zoom. If you'd like to join us email or call for the link!
Weekly Youth is being held as a community at Laurelville Retreat Center on Sunday nights from 6-8pm. Join us and youth from our other churches and community for fun, fellowship, and faith-formation!
Sundays 9:00AM
Each week we have special music provided by wonderful musicians and vocalists in our congregation!
Christian Education
Sunday School
Following worship at 10:15 AM. Adult forum in the adult fellowship room, 1st floor. Children and Youth in the fellowship hall led by Deacon or Pastor. You do not have to be a member to attend Sunday School (and there's pretty much always food :D ) We will nourish you physically and spiritually when you come!
Adult Bible Study on Zoom!
We meet Monday nights at 7pm via Zoom. If you'd like to join us email or call for the link!
Weekly Youth is being held as a community at Laurelville Retreat Center on Sunday nights from 6-8pm. Join us and youth from our other churches and community for fun, fellowship, and faith-formation!